Female, 29 years old Polish escort
Kira is 21 years old, was born in Poland. Her dad from Poland, mother of Cyprus. Kira was studying in professional massage school, she is able to do different kinds of massage. Kira is engaged in tailoring, she has a lot of clothes, which invents and sews herself. Kira organized a fashion show their clothing lines. She wants to do a similar show of your clothing line in Dubai. Kira can support any conversation, it is a very versatile girl. You will be interesting and pleasant to deal with Kira always. Kira made her small business for 21 years. She sews and sells dresses. She frequently travels to Dubai Mall, the world looks at fashion trends in clothing. Kira is planning to release a new line of men's clothing. Besides all this, Kira very beautiful and passionate woman. She loves to meet men, chat, walk and spend time together. Kira plans is in Dubai for 3 weeks. She arrived in Dubai for the second time. I recommend you to book an appointment in advance with Kira.